by Anna Noack | Jun 17, 2016 | Anna's Page, Janet's Page, Michael's Page, Uncategorized
Open a page in Chrome. Use Command F to “find” the term “Hero’s Journey” Finder will give you how many instances can be found on the page. Simply find all the instances and in the instance where there is content, switch the content input from “Visual” tab to “Text”...
by Anna Noack | Nov 16, 2015 | Anna's Page, Janet's Page
by Anna Noack | Nov 8, 2015 | Anna's Page, Janet's Page
by Anna Noack | Aug 21, 2015 | Anna's Page, General Page, Janet's Page, Josef's Page, Judy's Page, Michael's Page
Hey All, Every Mac has a hotkey built into your keyboard already for accessing the ® symbol. Simply hold down the option key and then hit the r key. Boom.® Anna ©
by Anna Noack | Jan 26, 2015 | Anna's Page, Janet's Page, Josef's Page, Michael's Page
This is the link to the master registration form. I am just noting it here, will add to forms too.
by Anna Noack | Jan 12, 2015 | Janet's Page
Testing the notice board for you Janet!! : )