Poetry Permissions and Usage

Poetry Foundation Educational PDF

Education on New Media Usage from the Poetry Foundation.

Copyright Clearance Center

This is the clearing center my lawyer friend told me about!

The Permissions Company

This is the company that we can hire to do permissions granting.


Mary Oliver's The Journey


  • Mary Oliver Permission Requests: Please contact Mary Oliver’s permissions agent, Regula Noetzli, [email protected].

Domestic Rights:

Audio, Book Club, and Large Print:

Tom Hallock
Associate Publisher
Beacon Press
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 02210-1409

212-948-6571 phone
212-742-2290 fax
[email protected]

For all other permissions requests, submit the bulleted information below to [email protected]

  • Your name, address, email address, and phone number
  • Title, author, chapter, and page numbers sought of Beacon Press book you wish to reprint from
  • Title and author of your project/publication
  • Publisher or organization name
  • Format (hardcover, paperback, e-book, audio, cd, etc.)
  • Publication date, page count, price, and print run
  • Distribution territory
  • Languages

If you have problems, please contact:

Jill Dougan
Permissions Coordinator
Beacon Press
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 02210-1409

Phone: (617) 948-6595
Fax: (617) 742-2290
[email protected]



Below is an example of what we’d do to explore usage of a David Whyte poem in Michael’s essay. 

Essentially, we determine the poem we want to use, and if it’s in one of the Many River’s press publications we submit the form and $95, and then we use the poem in the exact way that we say we will within 3 years time.

If the poem comes from a David Whyte book published from Penguin, we’d go here : http://permissions.penguin.com/PermissionsRegular.html




David Whyte Example


Print (book) $95
Print (flyer, catalog or newsletter) $50
Recording $95
Course Materials $50 per year of use


We do not hold permission rights for the three prose books: The Heart Aroused, Crossing the Unknown Sea, and The Three Marriages. Permission to excerpt from these publications must be obtained through the permission departments at Penguin (Crossing the Unknown Sea, The Three Marriages) orRandom House (The Heart Aroused).


We receive many requests to use David’s poems in all types of media. In our experience, seeking permission is often the last task of a long creative endeavor, coming moments before a looming deadline. We will try to accommodate your timeline, and it will expedite approval for you to be aware of our process. Please choose the appropriate form to complete.

We ask that you reproduce the poem faithfully, conforming the line and stanza breaks to the original. If this is problematical due to design or space considerations, you may request an exception.

If your project does not fall into one of the categories listed, or you have questions, please email Thomas Crocker.

ONLINE FORM for print media: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56d77489cf80a15f84d55c30/t/579149af2994ca2280428430/1469139375804/Permission_Book.pdf

APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION to use selections from a publication of MANY RIVERS PRESS (Book or Periodical)



City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code

Telephone:       email:

Please return completed and signed form to [email protected].

Please note permission will not be granted until we receive the permission fee as well as a copy of the material as it will appear in the work.

Permission is granted only when signed by Many Rivers Press. A signed copy will be returned for your records.

1. Author and full title of your publication:

2. Nature of Proposed work (i.e. anthology, nonfiction, etc.):

3. Publisher:

4. Please furnish the title of poem or essay you wish to use, below, and attach a copy of the material, as it will appear in the work. Title of poem or essay: PLEASE NOTE: Line breaks, stanza spacing, punctuation and indentation must conform to the original.

5. The applicant hereby agrees: a. No alteration will be made in the text without prior written permission from Many Rivers Press. b. The rights granted herein apply only for use in the specific edition described in this application in its English language original, with new permission required for any edition other than a direct reprinting. c. The copyright notice shall read: printed with permission from Many Rivers Press, www.davidwhyte.com. Author, title of poem, title of source book shall be listed, together with ©Many Rivers Press, Langley, WA USA. d. You will send one free copy of the published work to Many Rivers Press, PO Box 868, Langley, WA 98260 USA. e. Permission granted herein is non-exclusive and non-transferable. f. Permission is granted for world English rights only. g. You will pay Many Rivers Press the sum of $95.00 USD per poem. Please send your check along with this signed agreement. h. This permission will terminate automatically if the work is not published within three years of the date of this agreement.

8. The permission(s) in this agreement are granted upon the terms outlined above.

Accepted (Applicant): Signature Name and date:

Accepted (Many Rivers Press) Signature Name and date: